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Please review the Terms of Application Agreement

The following Application Agreement will be signed by all applicants prior to signing a lease contract. While some of the information below may not yet be applicable to your situation, there are some provisions that may become applicable prior to signing a lease contract. In order to continue with this online application, you'll need to review the Application Agreement carefully and acknowledge that you accept its terms. 

Association Approval:

Where applicable, this contract is subject to and contingent upon the prospective tenant(s) being approved by the condominium/homeowner's association. The prospective Resident(s) will pay any non-refundable application fee required by the condominium/homeowner's association and make application for association approval within 3 days from the effective date of this contract. Occupancy shall not be permitted prior to association approval. In the event the prospective Resident(s) are not approved by the association and/or Supra Property Management, this contract will terminate and any rents and/or security deposits paid will be refunded to the prospective Resident(s). Refunds are subject to applicant(s) funds having cleared our bank account. The non-refundable application fees paid to the association and to Supra Property Management are not refundable under any circumstance.


I (we) affirm that the information contained in this rental application to lease to be true and correct. I (we) agree that Supra Property Management may terminate any agreement entered into (including the lease) in reliance on any misstatement made in this application. I (we) agree and affirm that Supra Property Management may question and seek information from all person and/or firms named by us in this application and contract to lease, and further authorize Supra Property Management to acquire my (our) credit reports and criminal background check from any authorized credit agency. I (we) agree that acceptance of this application is conditional upon a credit check and other verifications that are satisfactory to Supra Property Management.

Failure To Perform:

I (we) agree to enter a lease for the rental unit upon the terms outlined above. I (we) agree that I (we) have toured or video-toured and previewed and seen the rental unit being applied for and that I (we) are accepting it in "AS IS" condition, unless otherwise noted above in "Other Items Requested". If I (we) refuse to enter into the manager's lease (within 48 hours of notification of approval), AND/OR if occupancy is not taken by me (us) (on or before the occupancy date indicated), then Supra Property Management may rent or lease the property to another party and all deposits and application fees paid herewith shall be forfeited by the prospective Resident(s) and retained by Supra Property Management as liquidated damages.

Rental Process And Application Procedure:

I/we do hereby acknowledge the "Rental Process and Application Procedures" and that I/we understand and agree to the terms of application and rental process. I/we have read and agreed to all pages of this application package and have submitted them with this application for consideration by Supra Property Management.

Application Processing And Time Frame:


The Application Process:

Resident Selection Criteria:
(Information below must be verified against criteria being used by screening company)

To qualify for the advertised security deposit amount you must meet the following criteria. If your credit, residence history or income does not qualify, you may still be approved but at a higher security deposit amount + increased risk mitigation admin fee:

Contingent Approval Fees - Credit Score Based

All lease transactions involve risk. To mitigate this risk for both landlord and tenant, Supra Property Management routinely video tapes the condition of properties before and after each tenancy, ending most security deposit claim disputes before they begin. Offering an approval based upon total credit score below a 620 comes with even more inherent risk to the landlord and property manager. Much like with Apartment Communities, an approval can be offered even to tenants with less than perfect credit if they can pay the additional fee associated with their credit scores to offset the risk involved.

Risk Mitigation Admin Fees for Applicants:

Average Credit Score (all Adults) Fee Due
620 - 850 $100
600 - 619 $200
550 - 599 $300
500 - 549 $400
300 - 499 Declined

Denied Lease Approvals: any credit score under 500, (330-499) are declined due to bad credit.

Dealing with Multiple Applicants: A risk mitigation fee will be assessed based on the AVERAGE FICO score of all adults.
No FICO Score: Applicants who do not have a FICO score may be assigned a score of 500 for the purposes of determining their risk mitigation fee

However, some city and county municipalities and/or homeowner's associations prohibit more than two (2) unrelated adults to reside in a single-family dwelling unit.


Keeping pets on the premises is not a right, it is a privilege. Tenants must submit a pet application fee(s) of $15.00 and a non-refundable pet fee(s) of $300.00 paid by money order or cashier's check before receiving keys to the property. No pets (with exception of legally defined emotional support or service animals) of any kind are permitted without the specific written permission. Fees and deposits are waived for medically necessary pets. The following pets will not be accepted under any circumstances, GERMAN SHEPHERDS, DOBERMANS, PIT BULLS, CHOWS, OR ROTTWEILLERS.


If you apply subject to our accepting a lower rent or other move in concessions, your application fee will be non-refundable if your offer isn't accepted. Refund of your application fee(s) is subject to all information on your application being accurate and verifiable.

Reporting to Credit Bureau. Our company policy is to report all non-compliances with terms of your rental agreement or failure to pay rent, or any amounts owed to the credit bureau and/or a collection agency and if the amount is disputed, it shall be reported as disputed in accordance with law.

If You Withdraw Before Approval. You and any co-applicant may not withdraw your application or the application deposit. If you or any co-applicant withdraws an application or notifies us that you've changed your mind about renting the dwelling unit, we'll be entitled to retain all application deposits as liquidated damages, and the parties will then have no further obligation to each other.

Keys or Access Devices. We'll furnish keys and/or access devices only after: (1) all parties have signed the contemplated Lease Contract and other rental documents referred to in the Lease Contract; and (2) all applicable rents and security deposits have been paid in full.

Signature. Our reception of this application is consent only to this Application Agreement. It does not bind us to accept applicant or to sign the proposed Lease Contract.

Thank you for applying to Supra Property Management!
If you need additional assistance with this process, please email

Washington State applicants only: You also have the right to request from the consumer reporting agency a written summary of your rights and remedies under the Washington Fair Credit Reporting Act.

New York/Maine applicants only:You have the right to inspect and receive a copy of any investigative consumer report requested by the Landlord by contacting the consumer reporting agency identified directly. You may also contact the Company to request the name, address and telephone number of the nearest unit of the consumer reporting agency designated to handle inquiries, which the Company shall provide within 5 days.

California applicants or residents only:By signing this application, you also acknowledge receipt of the NOTICE REGARDING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LAW. Please contact the consumer reporting agency if you would like to receive a copy of an investigative consumer report or consumer credit report at no charge if one is obtained by the Company whenever you have a right to receive such a copy under California law.